Climate Farm Demo - A European-wide network of Pilot Farmers implementing and demonstrating climate smart solutions
Climate Farm Demo strengthens European farmers’ capacities to implement, demonstrate and uptake Climate Smart Farming (CSF) practices across the EU. The project will work on to reduce GHG emissions in the project farms by 35% along the project life to achieve the EU2030 Climate Target Plan.

Towards carbon-neutral agriculture
Climate Farm Demo is a Europe-wide networking project between pilot farms and climate-smart agricultural advisors. The project covers 28 countries and all pedoclimatic areas in the European continent with similar soil and climate conditions. To adapt agricultural production systems to climate change and make agriculture carbon neutral by 2050, the project aims to accelerate the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and solutions by farmers and other agricultural actors.
Connecting 1500 Pilot Farms across Europe
The project adopts a multi-actor approach by connecting 1500 Pilot Demo Farmers and their Climate Farm Advisors at European and national levels. There are 25 Pilot Demo Farms in Finland. You can check the location and general information of each Pilot Demo Farm on the map.
The Climate Farm Advisors will support farmers in implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and assess and monitor their environmental impact using harmonized methods and tools.
Advisors will be trained for this work in the project's sister project Climate Smart Advisors. The multi-actor approach takes place to increase knowledge exchange & cross-fertilisation in the respective Climate Smart Agriculture Knowledge & Innovation Systems (AKIS).
Enhanced information sharing through cross-border cooperation
Effective information sharing and scaling up of technical solutions are recognized as ways to increase the uptake of new methods. In the Climate Farm Demo project, technical and social innovations for climate-smart agriculture will be widely presented in annual demonstration campaigns at national and international level, allowing interactive peer learning between different actors.
New and innovative solutions for climate-smart farming will be co-created by setting up 10 Living Labs across Europe, and the lessons learned will be shared and scaled up. In addition, a range of public and private reward mechanisms will be identified for AKIS actors to encourage the adoption of climate-smart agriculture solutions while ensuring sustainable business models.
12 thematic areas for climate change adaptation and mitigation actions

You can see the project partners and budget on the EU's Cordis service.
Find out more about the project:
The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant decision number 101060212.