Plant production
Our field and garden crop experts will help you to choose the most profitable solutions to ensure that plant production achieves the desired results.

The best solutions for crop planning are reached with the appropriate plant variety, fertilisation, plant protection and liming solutions for each field area. It is worth making the most of an exchange of experiences and a fresh viewpoint. Our experts in conservation agriculture can identify problem issues and help select the best solutions for agricultural environmental management.
Silage is the most important aspect for livestock farms. Our grass production experts help you to ensure that production is of high quality and meets the demand. Together with livestock farming experts, we ensure that livestock grazing is successful.
It is more and more important to be aware of your farm’s production costs. We will tell you how your production costs compare with others, and how you can achieve a better result. Together with our financial experts, we can discuss the farm’s finances from different viewpoints.
Climate solutions and carbon farming can improve resilience and crop security. Resilience to climate change can be improved by familiar means, as long as they are properly targeted. Productive fields form a good basis for climate action.