WATERDRIVE – Water driven rural development in the Baltic Sea Region
The project WATERDRIVE implemented holistic water management practices in agricultural landscapes to reduce nutrient loads.

The project established innovative cross-sectoral cooperation among local authorities, farming communities, agricultural advisory services, and other water- and land managers in the topics of high ecosystem productivity, resource efficient growth and risk management. Read more about project activities on the project's website.
WATERDRIVE involved 23 partners representing advisory services, local authorities, interest organizations, national authorities and academia. The lead partner – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
WATERDRIVE was funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme and national contributions from Denmark, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. See the detailed composition of the consortium and budget on the funder's website.
WATERDRIVE involved 23 partners representing advisory services, local authorities, interest organizations, national authorities and academia. The lead partner – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
WATERDRIVE was funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme and national contributions from Denmark, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and Latvia. See the detailed composition of the consortium and budget on the funder's website.